Design Concept: Hibiscus, also called the "Desert Rose," represents strength and tenacity. The flower is shaped like a trumpet, as if singing loudly to the sky, playing a beautiful melody. In this artwork, the branches and leaves of the flowers are abstracted into a semicircular shape, standing steadily like the rising sun from the horizon, trying their best to bloom at their most beautiful. Hibiscus rises and falls, and every time it withers, it prepares for an even more gorgeous bloom in the future, just like our lives, full of ups and downs. We must stick to our original intentions, not question our dedication, and view temporary troubles as a form of accumulation. Don't waste time; you can find value in life's short journey. *Come with K9 display base.* 設計概念說明: 木槿,又名沙漠玫瑰。顧名思義,無論大江南北,豔陽高照或陰霾重重,都有木槿勇敢紮根,綻放,不論是沙漠、酷熱、黑暗,都無法阻擋,是絕處逢生的代表寫照。作品以粉燒定色燒製,花朵的淡雅,留下令人回味的餘韻。在平凡的世界,溫柔的堅守也是一種恒定的力量。一天天過去,日升月落,晴雨輪廻,此刻短暫,亦是永恆。花形似喇叭,開到極致,如同朝天嘹亮一歌。永恆的生命樂章,不在於站的多高,唱的多響亮,而在於有限的時光裡,惡劣的環境中,能否堅守最初的意願,只是綻放,成美好人間。作品中花的枝葉抽象為半圓形狀,穩穩站立,如同從地平線初升的朝陽。 |