Design Concept: Coming from the collection “Flowers of the Earth,” this artwork departs from the boldly colored glasswork that is typical of LIULI. This piece is a “windflower peony.” Here, focusing on the spirit of the subject rather than its outward beauty, LIULI artists are able to more accurately invoke the flower’s soul. The resulting effect is more than simply appreciating a peony flower; it is also imagining how that peony drifts in a summer breeze. 迎風花花語有:才智、真實、自然、不造作。每天,都以開放的態度面對,期待新的想法、新的觀點的降臨,不拘泥在舊有的思維中,不自我設限,心胸開闊,隨機應變,每一天都是新的一天,充滿新鮮。象徵著一個心態上成熟的人,擁有圓融的智慧,不論到了哪裡,都能適應良好,隨緣隨喜,很好相處。中國繪畫的留白風格。花瓶瓶身全白透明的設計,像是中國繪畫裡獨有的留白風格。純粹的白色,增加視覺的想像空間;色彩學上,白色傳達明亮、輕快的視覺感受,象徵著生命的活動力。花瓶的瓶身雖是白色,細看,仍可發現其中運用不同程度的拋光作用,形成白色漸層的變化,瓶身白色琉紋,也呈現出近似水墨暈染的效果。水墨的暈染,像是水的漣漪,乾淨、清澈、輕盈中帶點淡雅的韻味。 |