Design Description: Buddha embodies compassion and wisdom, and the Buddha sculpture is a reminder for all of us to love and to care. A set of three Buddhas: Amitabha Buddha, Shakyamuni Buddha and Medicine Buddha, representing the past, the present and the future of cultivating peace. They remind us that the past is understood through learning, and the present is understood through cultivation. This gives us a grasp of the future and releases us from apprehension. In Buddism, praying to Amitabha Buddha is for cultivating the mind of clarity; praying to Shakyamuni Buddha is for enlightenment, peace and happiness; praying to Medicine Buddha is for healing and good health. This set of three comes in two sizes, the large set with the height of 8.86 inches, and the small set with the height of 5.31 inches plus a golden peony base with the height of 1.1 inches Buddha embodies compassion and wisdom, and the Buddha sculpture is a reminder for all of us to love and to care. 佛,是慈悲與智慧的象徵,而佛像是一種提醒,讓我們對世界有愛與關懷,在紛擾的世界,欣賞佛像的當下,也得到心靈的寧靜。琉璃三寶佛套裝組,包括三尊佛像:釋迦牟尼佛,藥師佛,阿彌陀佛,分別代表過去、現在、未來,提醒我們的是透過學習,知道過去;透過修持,知道現在,我們可以對未來有一種了然,沒有疑懼。釋迦摩尼佛代表是破迷開悟、離苦得樂,藥師佛是祈願健康,阿彌陀佛是祈願光明和清淨之心。此三寶佛套裝組有兩種尺寸,一組高度約為8.86英吋,另一組高度約為 5.31 英吋 (另加金色牡丹底座高度約為 1.1 英吋)。 |