Design Concept: Six goldfish swim through the water in carefree harmony, their tails fanning out like gauze against blooming begonia. The motif derives from a traditional proverb “Jin Yu Man Tang”, meaning abundance both in wealth and knowledge. Set of 2 tumblers and 2 pairs of “Blessed” chopsticks with peony motif and Liuli crystal bead, this beautiful set is ideal for a Valentine's day gift to celebrate special moments or a Chinese New Year family time at home. The Joy of Fish was inspired by a famous conversation between two Chinese philosophers Zhuangzi and Hui Shi.The “joy” Zhuangzi posits is more than the emotion, it is the ultimate joy born from ultimate beauty in life. it is heavenly joy. It is a boundless and carefree spiritual state; it emanates from within, it is constant, and it is absolute. 六尾悠遊的金魚,快樂自在,和睦美好,尾羽如紗裙展開,與盛開的海棠相呼應諧音“金玉滿堂”,營造花舞魚飛的瑰麗景象。此琉璃對杯及「箸福」牡丹圖騰筷子的套裝,琉璃敞口杯,用途廣泛:飲用器皿或甜品甜湯容器, 果乾,茶葉容器,適合年節贈禮與情人節贈禮。祝福新人,長輩,情人或朋友。 魚樂,出自《莊子·秋水》,是戰國時代的兩位思想家(也是好朋友)。莊子與惠施的一次辯論。莊子所肯定的「樂」,不僅僅是情緒上的「樂」。而是由「至美」而生的「至樂」,或稱為「天樂」;是一種自由無限,逍遙自在的心靈境界。 |
Material: |
Bowl: Crystal Glass Chopsticks: Crystal Glass (bead), Silver, and Polyvinyl Chloride |
Use & Care: |
For safety purposes, please do not contain liquid of food over 105°F. Wash crystal serveware with a mild dish detergent. Rinse with warm water and gently pat dry with a soft cloth. Blessed Chopsticks are also available in 1 pair or 8-pair set. View More in LIULI Tableware |