Design Concept: The world is connected in a myriad of intricate ways by the formless dao - a way of existing in the world…like an emotion or a conscious perception. Fish come from oceans, rivers and ponds to meet upon this hulu gourd. In pursuit of the heart’s dao, people come together and relationships are formed. In China, this is called yuan, a word akin to fate or destiny. Here two fish meet and look toward the same future, in harmony with each other and the times. From the front, the fish appear in delicate relief. From the back, the high-polish and engraved surface implies the presence of deep waters. Front and back together cleverly the internal and external qualities of existence and non-existence. 設計概念說明: 世界是緊密聯繫的,無形中的“道”將事物串聯。“道”是一種存在境界,也如同情感一樣,只可意會感知。魚兒來自上下不同的江海,此刻在同一只葫蘆相遇,天南海北的人們,追循心中的“道”,相識結交。在中國,人們把這份情誼稱為“緣”。兩條相遇的魚兒,望向同一個方向,借洪流之勢遠行,與時代共唱。正面,魚兒浮雕,雕刻精細。反面,高拋光、陰刻展現更深遠的水下意境。正反兩面,巧妙體現葫蘆的的內外有無。 |