Design Concept: Supreme emperor of all mythical creatures, the dragon is depicted here in all its glory. Odyssey across Heaven and Earth portrays a dragon in motion, its sinuous coils twisting over a shining arc which is at once the base of the sculpture and an abstract representation of the sky above and the ground below. The dragon is thus traveling across heaven and earth. Most of the color is concentrated in the dragon's body, which is clearly separated from the polished arc. The slender, upraised tail of this crystal dragon figurine adds an additional element of difficulty to an already exacting design. The power and beauty of the dragon are symbols of strength and faith. 設計概念說明: 以“行龍”的姿態為雕塑原型,昂首挺胸的金龍前爪握龍珠,於天際遨遊,身姿飄逸,漫步雲端回首相望。細長而高翹的龍尾,大大增加了作品的製作風險。作品由數種顆粒料燒制,並在龍身處著復位色,使得龍呈現一種似透非透效果。而半圓形的底座在拋光後,散發著光芒,好似一輪朝日。光明預示著希望,龍則是力量與信念的象徵,蒼茫天地任我行。 |