Design Concept: This design depicts the dragon in natural repose as it winds around to form a taichi and conveys its power. The dragon’s head emerges with a persistent gaze as it safeguards the natural order in a way only it can command. Liuli absorbs and reflects light across varying sculptural depths and polished surfaces to convey the dragon’s internal power. The design as a whole is built upon Daoist philosophy: From taichi, two complementary forces are born; from two complementary forces, four aggregates are born; from four aggregates, eight trigrams are born. This is also symbolic of the dragon - a mythical beast that unites all with the power of the sun under the natural order. In the vast universe, the sun is the source of all life. With the dragon, it nurtures and guides the world in harmonious coexistence. 設計概念說明: 龍能感知萬物的運行,龍身順應自然之氣,依勢盤為太極。神尾不輕易顯露,神秘莫測。龍身雕刻細膩,盤旋之下,更讓觀者感受到蒼龍遒勁的力量。龍首矯出於太極之上,目光堅毅,展現守護自然平衡的神獸權威。琉璃特有的光,通過浮雕和精細拋光面的設計下,神龍的內在力量呼之欲出,體現出現代雕塑的動人一面。作品整體設計,以太極:「太極生兩儀,兩儀生四象,四象生八卦」的道家哲學與象徵東方太陽力量的神獸蒼龍展現天地間的和諧統一,道法自然。浩瀚宇宙中,太陽是地球所有生命的能量來源,大自然遵循規律繁衍生息,二者缺一不可。一切造化,仿佛冥冥中,存在巨大且深遠的力量主導著世間的運行。 |