Design Concept: This design seamlessly incorporates four elements of celebration in Chinese culture: butterflies, calabash gourds, pigs, and paper-cut decorative patterns. Amidst blooming flowers, butterflies gracefully flutter beneath the vines of calabash gourds. The calabash gourds, also known as "Hulu" in Chinese, symbolize fortune and prosperity, while butterflies represent riches and honor, and pigs symbolize blessings. This auspicious composition highlights the propitious qualities associated with the pig. 設計概念說明: 這個設計完美地結合了中國文化中的四個慶祝元素:蝴蝶、葫蘆、豬和剪紙裝飾圖案。在盛開的花朵中,蝴蝶在葫蘆的藤蔓下優雅地飛舞。葫蘆,象徵著財富和繁榮,而蝴蝶代表財富和榮譽,豬則像徵著祝福。這件吉祥的作品突出了與豬有關的吉祥品質。 |