Design Concept: In Chinese, the words used to describe "goldfish," jingyu, are homophones for the words "gold" and "jade." Throughout history, the fish has consistently been regarded as a symbol of prosperity and good fortune. From the collection "Through Sky and Sea I Roam," the artwork titled "Grand Fulfillment" showcases five goldfish converging towards a central focal point, from which a blossom-like pattern of swirling tails unfolds. This composition represents the culmination of success and the fulfillment of aspirations as they come together. The symbolic nature of this artwork emanates a warm glow, imbued with depth and positivity. 設計概念說明: 在中文中,用來描述 "金魚 "的詞語是 "金 "和 "玉 "的同音詞。縱觀歷史,金魚一直被認為是繁榮和幸運的象徵。在 "海天神行--無往不利共遨遊 "系列中,名為 "運聚大圓滿 "的藝術作品展示了五條金魚向一個中心點匯聚,從那裡展開了一個類似花朵的旋轉尾巴的圖案。這種構圖代表了成功的頂峰和願望的實現,因為它們走到了一起。這幅作品的象徵性性質散發出一種溫暖的光芒,充滿了深度和積極性。 |