Design Concept: The red-billed blue magpie is a species from the Corvidae family of birds. It is the largest in the family, with the longest tail and the most vibrant colors. Gathering strength and momentum, it charges forward in the sky to fulfill the goal set in its heart. The refraction of light through liuli transforms the bright and hopeful blue into a meaningful shade of emotion. In alignment, the bird’s body, gaze, and flight embody the saying “full steam ahead”. A solid geometric base anchor the sculpture and appears out of balance with the bird’s suspended body and wings to create a powerful visual impact. Color, material, and design feature a fearless bird carved straight from the romantic movement. It recalls the ones who came before us, those carried by faith and light, who pushed themselves higher and further than anyone thought possible with elegance and enthusiasm. 集實力、顏值於一身,翅膀極致飛揚,為了心中的遠大目標鬥志昂揚地向前沖。琉璃的透光折射,讓富有浪漫情調的藍色,更有古典的意蘊。鳥的身體、視線、飛行方向一致向前,強調出“向前沖”的勢感。尾端是厚重的幾何形底座,前端圓雕鳥身及羽翼懸在空中,形成重量的失衡,在視覺上給人衝擊。以琉璃獨特的光影與色彩,呈現一隻無畏無懼,極富浪漫主義的飛鳥。紅嘴藍鵲是雀形目鴉科的鳥類,是鵲類中鳥體最大和尾巴最長、羽色最美的一種。這件作品展現了無畏的“向前沖”精神,融合了古典的雅致與現代的簡潔。適合送給商務夥伴、高雅女性、年輕有為的創業青年等。 |