Design Concept: The Black Tortoise is one of the five mythical creatures. It corresponds to the water element, the winter season, the direction north and the color black. Also referred to as the Dragon Tortoise or the Tortoise Snake, it symbolizes the ancient Chinese god of the North and a water deity. Because of its life length, the tortoise is also a symbol of health and longevity. In this piece Black Tortoise is depicted couched within a sphere representing the universe, surrounded by crashing waves, creating a sense of dynamism and vitality. Purple is the color of the emperor and imperial family, as well as the color of the Emperor Star (Polaris) situated in the northern constellation. The deep purple hue of this piece imbues Black Tortoise with a sense of grace and noble mystery. Associated with the four quadrants of the vault of heaven are the Azure Dragon of the East, the Vermillion Bird of the South, the White Tiger of the West, and the Black Tortoise of the North; in the center is the Qilin (unicorn). Each region corresponds to one of the five elements: metal (west), wood (east), water (north), fire (south), and earth (center). Moving across the night sky, the stars connect all life to the five elements. When the universe and elements are aligned, harmony ensues. 設計概念說明: 玄武,玄武是一種由龜和蛇組合成的一種靈物,又可稱龍龜或龜蛇,五行屬水, 代表北方的靈獸,形象是黑色,代表季節是冬季,為祥瑞與健康長壽的象徵。此作品用象徵宇宙的圓形做主體造型,其玄武的身體安穩地據一席之地,由動態的波浪水紋環繞,形成生生不息的生命力與流動感。紫色為古代皇家與帝王的象徵,也是北方星宿紫微星所在,作品用紫色近黑創作,賦予玄武雍容高貴的神秘感。五相,東青龍、西白虎、南朱雀、北玄武、中麒麟,安定人心,信心的鎮守與護佑。古老的東方智慧,指引人們前往美好和諧的未來。 |