Design Concept: White Tiger represents the element gold, the western direction, and autumn. This mythical creature also functions as a virtuous god of war who supports the righteous and punishes the wicked, and who bestows a variety of blessings, including safety, wealth, and conjugal bliss. In this piece White Tiger is portrayed as a combination of the imposing strength of a real tiger and the majesty of a deity. The element wind traditionally associated with the tiger—extremely difficult to express in sculpture—is represented by the streamers briskly fluttering behind. White Tiger is depicted on top of the world, poised for a leap, roaring into the distance, ready to overcome any and all challenges. Associated with the four quadrants of the vault of heaven are the Azure Dragon of the East, the Vermillion Bird of the South, the White Tiger of the West, and the Black Tortoise of the North; in the center is the Qilin (unicorn). Each region corresponds to one of the five elements: metal (west), wood (east), water (north), fire (south), and earth (center). Moving across the night sky, the stars connect all life to the five elements. When the universe and elements are aligned, harmony ensues. 設計概念說明: 白虎,五行為金, 代表西方的靈獸,形象是一隻白色的虎,對應的季節為秋季。白虎是司掌兵戈的戰神,具有避邪、禳災、祈豐及懲惡揚善、致富、喜結良緣等祝福 。 作品設計,以寫實老虎的動態裡的力量又具神化的威嚴形象,雲從龍, 風從虎,風在雕塑裡極難表現, 而這件作品運用雲的風行如疾的飄帶帶動態來展示風從虎的意象。我們看到這隻老虎立於世界之巔,弓起身軀,極具張力的姿態, 向遠方發出巨吼,身為百獸之長的它,充滿面對未來的神力。 五相,東青龍、西白虎、南朱雀、北玄武、中麒麟,安定人心,信心的鎮守與護佑。古老的東方智慧,指引人們前往美好和諧的未來。 |