Design Description: The pine unfurls like a fan, like a fish tail swaying in the water. Emerging from entwined branches, carp and pine exist in beautiful harmony. The design draws from traditional auspicious elements. The pine symbolizes longevity, fish symbolizes prosperity. The artwork presents a visual contrast among the dynamic energy between the fish, and profound tranquil pine trees. We join philosophy with auspicious symbols to offer a new form of blessing. 設計概念說明: 作品展現松樹挺拔,松葉成扇形展開,如同幻化的魚尾,亦如天邊的雲彩或是水底的海草,兩條錦鯉仿佛從虯枝浮出,松樹與魚互成和諧大美,生物以氣相息,合二為一的表現。傳統吉祥元素南松寓意長久、永恆,金魚寓意金玉滿堂,將哲學思考與吉祥文化的重新詮釋,讓作品充滿生生不息的力量,又同時達到寧靜致遠的禪意。作品主體可以看做是南松的參天樹幹,亦可是水底的太湖石,南松可以是松樹,也可以看做是水底的水草倒影,多重視角與充滿想像力的詮釋。 |