Design Description: Mighty Roar captures the moment the mighty tiger leaps into the air. Body in motion, the image is encouragement and motivation to propel oneself upward. Like fire, the amber tiger conveys passion, diligence, and is ideally placed in a common work space. This sculpture in the style of contemporary realism, with its ornate sculptural details, captures the ephemerality of existence and solidifies it in liuli. The free-flowing liuli streams move like traces of time, prolonged yet transient, volatile yet tranquil. May the new year bring a new outlook on our place in nature and time. 它們善於觀察與發現,在堅定目標之後高度的專注,一旦瞄準時機, 老虎就會奮起直追,達到目標。老虎對於目標的高度專注,到厚積薄發的淩然一躍,也啟發琉璃工房思考,虎不僅是力量的勇猛,也是智慧的“沉勇”,機智且勇敢。在人類社會,“沉勇”是成功者的重要品質之一,有勇有謀。這只寫實逼真的琉璃虎,身上的每一塊肌肉都由工藝師精細雕刻打磨,還原最真實的自然。 |