Design Concept: The tiger cub bootie is the quintessential gift for newborns in Chinese culture; it symbolizes bestowing ancestral hope, a lively childhood, and good health. Gazing at the world with large, curious eyes, the design repeats circular elements (head, ears, eyes, crown), avoiding pointed corners and giving the design a youthful and spirited feel. Liuli’s translucency allows light to pass through and illuminate the design from within, enhancing its charm. The small bell hanging from the ear adds interest - rattle it to hear a gentle tinkle that will accompany the child as they grow. A modest cub today, a benevolent king tomorrow. 設計概念說明: 長輩送孩子虎頭鞋,不僅希望孩子健壯成長,而且希望長得虎頭虎腦,虎虎實實,有虎一樣的內在氣質。虎被視為一種吉祥物、保護神,是孩子童年的重要陪伴。此外,民間多為布藝製作,琉璃工房則創新以琉璃製作虎頭鞋。天真爛漫的孩童與同樣清澈通透的琉璃搭配,既傳承了我國虎頭鞋 文化,又將琉璃材質與孩童的特性關聯。一種寄託長輩真誠恒久的祝福將會一直陪伴孩子成長。琉璃虎頭鞋的小耳朵上掛著的銀鈴,更加體現了虎頭鞋的調皮可愛,結合清響的鈴聲,更加符合孩子的生理、心理狀態。 |