Design Concept An ephemeral hibiscus blossom, immortalized along a crystal arch. A poetic design representing the beauty of living in the present. The trumpet-shaped blossom, which heralds the arrival of a new day. By embracing this mindset, one can achieve a sense of eternity with infallible grace, just like the hibiscus flower. 木槿,又名沙漠玫瑰。木槿勇敢紮根,綻放。作品以粉燒定色燒製,花朵的淡雅,留下令人回味的餘韻。在平凡的世界,溫柔的堅守也是一種恒定的力量。一天天過去,日升月落,晴雨輪廻,此刻短暫,亦是永恆。花形似喇叭,開到極致,如同朝天嘹亮一歌。作品中花的枝葉抽象為半圓形狀,穩穩站立,如同從地平線初升的朝陽。 |