Design Concept: In this design, the ox propels itself forward on powerful hooves leaving a prosperity shower of wheat in its wake. As a whole, the design conveys the joy of success and prosperity while the ox’s form communicates its leadership properties
and ability to maneuver through heaven and earth. With lifelike detail, the ox’s muscular form and structure is put on full display as it moves forward in power. The ox both generates and is carried by the wheat. This symbolizes the
continued success and value of the pioneer. In Chinese culture, the ox is an innovator of fearless spirit believed to bring fortune. Bull market is also commonly used to define a upward rising financial market. 設計概念說明:
自然寫實中傳達一種奮發向上的勁。琉璃工房的創作不同于傳統文化中溫和敦厚的牛的形象,作為力量與勇氣的象徵,作品以自然寫實的雕塑展現公牛健碩的肌肉和強壯的骨骼,以奮發前進的姿態向未來奔去。從麥穗中躍出,麥穗又承托著公牛,寓意成功者創造的價值源源不斷,持續的生機活力。牛在中西方文化中,都有開拓、無畏的精神意義,人們相信牛能夠帶來財富,對於金融界,有牛市的象徵。作品中,公牛四蹄飛躍,奮勇向前,身後的麥穗粒粒巨大飽滿,整體傳達出成功與豐收的喜悅。並且強壯的公牛帶領麥穗強勢扭轉,體現牛偉大的領導力,能夠扭轉乾坤。 |