Design Concept: This artwork juxtaposes many elements to invoke a sensation of springtime. The varying textures of the subject and background create an unanticipated depth. Careful color manipulation techniques imitate the long-standing tradition of Chinese ink-wash painting. The effect is a three-dimensional manifestation of an artistic expression that has captivated people for thousands of years. The dynamic “Peach Blossom Spring – Narcissus” here dances with the wind, never staying quite still and eliciting an image of Spring that has already begun to move in an orchestra of sounds and movements. LIULI artists remind that in art, as in life, one ought to dance with the seasons. 設計概念說明: 這件作品將許多元素並列在一起,喚起人們對春天的感覺。主體和背景的不同質地創造了一種意想不到的深度。精心的色彩處理技術模仿了中國歷史悠久的水墨畫傳統。其效果是對幾千年來一直吸引著人們的藝術表現形式的三維體現。動態的 "春探桃花源-水仙 "在這裡隨風起舞,從來沒有完全靜止過,引起了一個已經開始在聲音和動作的交響樂中運動的春天形象。 LIULI的藝術家們提醒說,在藝術中,就像在生活中一樣,人們應該與四季共舞。 |