Design Concept: The Absolute is an abstract take on the traditional ruyi, a ceremonial scepter. The head of the ruyi is formed by the salty white ocean spray, and its body is made of abstract lines that continue the sense of motion. The overall shape of this abstract figurine recalls the infinity symbol, and calls forth the boundless and perpetual force of the ocean, one of fortune and prosperity. Layered liuli streams and a dense pattern of bubbles evoke the water of the ocean that flows through towering mountains of waves and creeps through hidden chasms, always in motion. The wave rides on an irresistible strength, sending the message that all is possible when one holds on to faith. 設計概念說明: 源源,以抽象的流線構成如意的外觀,又形如∞符號,陰刻的浪花,構成了如意頭的造型。整件作品外形似奔湧的海浪,帶著無盡的能量,永不停歇。每條溪流都會匯入大海,前路雖有重重阻礙,但都抵擋不了前進的力量。人生也是如此,抱著信念不斷前行,就有了無限可能。為了營造水氣升騰的感覺,作品運用了數種大小不同的顆粒料燒制,層層的琉紋以及綿密的氣泡,彷彿蘊藏大海深處的生命力量。水在中國文化中具有重要的象徵意義,「上善若水,水利萬物而不爭」,涓涓細流,澤被萬物。在風水中,水是利財之物,生生不息,源源不斷,財富滿滿。 |