Design Concept: In Asian culture, particularly in Chinese tradition, peaches are often associated with blessings of longevity and immortality. This symbolism stems from ancient mythology, where peaches were believed to grant eternal life to those who consumed them. It's a heartfelt gesture that conveys sincere blessings for health, happiness, and longevity throughout the coming year and beyond. 在亞洲文化中,桃子經常被視為長壽和不朽的象征。這種象征意義源自古代神話,人們相信吃了桃子可以賦予永生。在慶祝活動中,贈送桃子或加入桃子主題的裝飾,象征著送給受禮者長壽和幸福的祝願。這是一種真誠的表達,傳達了對受禮者在未來一年甚至更長時間里健康、幸福和長壽的真摯祝福。 |