Design Concept: Carried across the winds in the changing of the seasons and the dawn of springs is an unfettered joy and hopefulness that few other phenomena in the world can rival. This is the vivacious energy manifested in the spring season—the inspiring theme of our collection, “Buoyed by Spring Light.” In this artwork, two yellow siskin perch on a persimmon, symbolic of both joy in the present as well as bountiful fortunes to come. Sculpted in exquisite detail with sharp contrasts in both negative and positive relief, this small and unimposing piece nonetheless has no shortage of technical mastery. 設計概念說明: 在季節變化和春天的黎明時分,風中帶著一種無拘無束的快樂和希望,世界上很少有其他現象可以與之匹敵。這就是春天所表現出的活潑的能量,也是我們的作品集 "春光奮起同我行 "的靈感主題。在這幅作品中,兩隻黃雀棲息在柿子上,象徵著當前的喜悅和未來的豐收。這幅作品細節精緻,正反兩方面都有鮮明的對比,小巧而不顯眼,但卻不乏技術上的精湛。 >Read More – Staff Sharing » |