Design Concept: This piece depicts a dragon perched on the crest of a wave, suggesting eternity. The soaring dragon represents light and hope, courage and blessings. The first step in producing this work was to use the style of freehand brushwork to sculpt the churning waves and clouds. Next, the dragon was sculpted in a detailed fashion, including its facial expression and posture, which together express boundless confidence, power, and mastery. This dynamic dragon sculpture demonstrates its magnificent power with a ready-to-fly posture and a resolute gaze. Since the diameter of the dragon’s body gradually lessens towards the tail, making it susceptible to breakage during comprehensive 12-step pate de verre process, fashioning the tail is highly challenging even for the most experienced artisan. The color stream flows organically, creating a brilliant interfusion of hues that manifests dragon’s imposing appearance. The Chinese dragon has been a symbol of power and spiritual sustenance since ancient times. The dragon is also regarded as a powerful protector who acts as an intermediary between Heaven and humanity. 神龍盤踞在雲之上、水之涯,寓涵生生不息之意。 而騰龍鎮守,代表光明與希望,為人們帶來內心的勇氣與祝福。作品注重情境的營造,先以寫意的方式,刻畫雲水的翻湧滾動,再以寫實的方式,精雕細琢地將龍的神情姿態,自信逍遙的盤踞於天地之上,彷若擁有無窮盡的力量,凡事盡能掌握。 作品的雕塑,龍的身姿遒勁有力,迴轉盤旋, 且越靠近尾部越細,在製作中稍有不慎,尾巴極易斷裂,複雜的工藝,過程全憑工藝師的經驗巧勁。作品的色彩絲絲蘊染,層層遞近,兩者相互交織,融為一體,展現龍的氣宇軒昂。 龍,在中國的概念裡,源自一種對「力量」的想像。古代對於龍的圖騰崇拜,讓中國人在洪荒時期,有精神的寄託。相信這種巨大的力量,無所不能。在中國人的信仰中,龍是溝通人間與上天的仲介,人們既希望得到龍的庇護,也希望上天賜予更多的福祉。