Design Concept LIULI crystal artists combined pate-de-verre casting with blown glass methods to capture the spirit of a pair of goldfish in the moment of their metamorphosis. The traditional goldfish sculpture is a symbol of wealth and harmony, and its difficulty lies in the intricate and complex design of the tail. 金玉,是金魚的諧音,玉,即是珍寶,納財的意義。金魚尾部上揚,雕塑時要註意尾巴的立體感,想像和觀察魚在水裏遊動時,尾巴漂動的形態。用細緻精準的脫臘技術及現代表現的吹制瓶子二者結合,一實一虛,一靜一動,繁複與留白,在傳統的基礎上,卻又掙脫了藝術創作的束縛,留給這個時代一件有意義的工藝作品,必須是中國的、生機逢勃的、豐富的、美好的、鼓舞人心的創作,蘊育而生。 |