Design Concept: A dancing flame is a symbol of honor and victory. The spinning Liuli pearl at the center, like the Chaos Pearl in the legend of Nezha, is born from fire. It symbolizes a sincere force that eliminates all deception, fights evil with righteousness and symbolizes victory. In ancient Han Chinese, flame was also referred to as “light of glory”. It is the most scintillating part of the fire, the core. 運動中的火焰,代表榮耀,興旺。火焰上揚的韻律,氣勢十足,充滿動感。令人聯想起哪吒的神器風火輪。轉動的琉璃珠,如神話裡的混元珠,自火中孕育,代表至剛至誠的力量;焰,古漢語裡又稱“輝光”,是火裡最耀眼的部分,是火焰的中心;輝耀,即是最閃亮的榮耀。 |