
The Stories We Share: Staff Sharing (Chinese)
Why I Love 扶風青雲九萬里 每當有人問我最喜歡的琉璃作品,我可以不遐思索地回答「扶風青雲九萬里」。從新加坡到美國,我已經在琉璃工房10年多,這件作品總是牽動我心。首先,作品的顏色與細節都很迷人,從正面看,鳳凰的羽毛呈現3D立體的曲線,從背面看,其色彩與雕刻細節同樣令人驚豔。鳳凰是百鳥之冠,其華美與優雅,以及永生的象徵無可比擬。藝術家楊惠姍在進入琉璃創作前,是亞洲知名演員,獲獎無數,她談到創作鳳凰,如同在創作一齣戲劇演出,看到這鳳凰回眸且充滿自信,如同在跟觀者說,「看我,看我的優雅與美麗」。這件作品也讓我想到最近有位好友客人也跟我分享她第一次見這作品時的感想,跟十年前我看到作品第一眼的感覺一樣,所以我想,美好的藝術是雋永,跨越文化與時空的 Karen Wu 藝廊經理 美國琉璃工房 在琉璃工房新加坡與美國加起來,總共服務超過12年時間。非常享受每天都可以與美麗的琉璃藝術品為伍,享受藝術創作的滋潤 Why I Love 映映好花,處處紅 我喜歡此作品因為有我最喜歡的蝴蝶蘭。尤其蝴蝶蘭的花語是幸福的來臨。藝術家設計圓圓的凹槽,代表著收納幸福的空間,可承載著美好。很特別的是,凹槽內放了一顆可拿取的小紅珠,除了表現出很有趣味設計。而我個人覺得小紅珠也可以説是象徵所有幸福的凝聚,尤其紅色也是代表喜慶吉祥,這些所有幸福的凝聚力,以一種圓圓滿滿的小圓珠姿態被收納著、被承載著,期許所有的美好能一直陪伴著我們。 是一件很令人感到幸福、溫暖的作品。 Jessica Tsai 品牌大使 美國琉璃工房 我很喜歡欣賞各式各樣的藝術創作,特別是琉璃藝術,因為每件創作,都出發於品牌核心"永遠不斷地創作有益人心的作品",我真心喜愛。 Why I Love 一生一世 - 蘭嶼角鴞 我個人收藏了“一生一世-蘭嶼角鸮“MIT 作品。當我第一眼欣賞到此作品,當下我就被貓頭鷹的可愛和顏色吸引。它不只是單單貓頭鷹的設計,涵蓋了作品的意義,創作者的誠意和細心。同時,也是琉璃工房一直秉持著“永遠不斷地創作有益人心的作品”。 Annie...
The Stories We Share: Staff Sharing (Chinese)
Why I Love 扶風青雲九萬里 每當有人問我最喜歡的琉璃作品,我可以不遐思索地回答「扶風青雲九萬里」。從新加坡到美國,我已經在琉璃工房10年多,這件作品總是牽動我心。首先,作品的顏色與細節都很迷人,從正面看,鳳凰的羽毛呈現3D立體的曲線,從背面看,其色彩與雕刻細節同樣令人驚豔。鳳凰是百鳥之冠,其華美與優雅,以及永生的象徵無可比擬。藝術家楊惠姍在進入琉璃創作前,是亞洲知名演員,獲獎無數,她談到創作鳳凰,如同在創作一齣戲劇演出,看到這鳳凰回眸且充滿自信,如同在跟觀者說,「看我,看我的優雅與美麗」。這件作品也讓我想到最近有位好友客人也跟我分享她第一次見這作品時的感想,跟十年前我看到作品第一眼的感覺一樣,所以我想,美好的藝術是雋永,跨越文化與時空的 Karen Wu 藝廊經理 美國琉璃工房 在琉璃工房新加坡與美國加起來,總共服務超過12年時間。非常享受每天都可以與美麗的琉璃藝術品為伍,享受藝術創作的滋潤 Why I Love 映映好花,處處紅 我喜歡此作品因為有我最喜歡的蝴蝶蘭。尤其蝴蝶蘭的花語是幸福的來臨。藝術家設計圓圓的凹槽,代表著收納幸福的空間,可承載著美好。很特別的是,凹槽內放了一顆可拿取的小紅珠,除了表現出很有趣味設計。而我個人覺得小紅珠也可以説是象徵所有幸福的凝聚,尤其紅色也是代表喜慶吉祥,這些所有幸福的凝聚力,以一種圓圓滿滿的小圓珠姿態被收納著、被承載著,期許所有的美好能一直陪伴著我們。 是一件很令人感到幸福、溫暖的作品。 Jessica Tsai 品牌大使 美國琉璃工房 我很喜歡欣賞各式各樣的藝術創作,特別是琉璃藝術,因為每件創作,都出發於品牌核心"永遠不斷地創作有益人心的作品",我真心喜愛。 Why I Love 一生一世 - 蘭嶼角鴞 我個人收藏了“一生一世-蘭嶼角鸮“MIT 作品。當我第一眼欣賞到此作品,當下我就被貓頭鷹的可愛和顏色吸引。它不只是單單貓頭鷹的設計,涵蓋了作品的意義,創作者的誠意和細心。同時,也是琉璃工房一直秉持著“永遠不斷地創作有益人心的作品”。 Annie...

The Stories We Share: Staff Sharing
Why I Love Bloom of A New World “Bloom of A New World” is the first design that sparked our classic LIULI Flower series. This series joins all elements into...
The Stories We Share: Staff Sharing
Why I Love Bloom of A New World “Bloom of A New World” is the first design that sparked our classic LIULI Flower series. This series joins all elements into...

LIULI Exclusive Custom Design in Year of the Tiger
Great Heights: LIULI x East West Bank With a shared vision of bridging the East and West, LIULI partners with East West Bank to design an exclusive gift "Great Heights" to honor the...
LIULI Exclusive Custom Design in Year of the Tiger
Great Heights: LIULI x East West Bank With a shared vision of bridging the East and West, LIULI partners with East West Bank to design an exclusive gift "Great Heights" to honor the...

Cultural Exhibition To Ring In 2022 Year of the...
2022 is a year to march forward with strength and kindness. LIULI Year of Tiger collection is a representation of power and benevolence. We are delightful to share signature sculptures...
Cultural Exhibition To Ring In 2022 Year of the...
2022 is a year to march forward with strength and kindness. LIULI Year of Tiger collection is a representation of power and benevolence. We are delightful to share signature sculptures...

2022 Year of the Tiger - Collector's Guide
The Lunar New Year starts February 1, and 2022 is the Year of the Tiger. The Tiger embodies vigor, ambition, daring, courage, confidence, and determination. Read our latest blog to...
2022 Year of the Tiger - Collector's Guide
The Lunar New Year starts February 1, and 2022 is the Year of the Tiger. The Tiger embodies vigor, ambition, daring, courage, confidence, and determination. Read our latest blog to...

Mythical Creature Exhibition | Guardian of Harmony
Five Elements, Five Directions --- Guardian of Harmony Mythical Creature Exhibition August 19-30, 2021 South Coast Plaza, CA Carousel Court 2nd Level Five elements: Wood, fire, earth, metal, and water....
Mythical Creature Exhibition | Guardian of Harmony
Five Elements, Five Directions --- Guardian of Harmony Mythical Creature Exhibition August 19-30, 2021 South Coast Plaza, CA Carousel Court 2nd Level Five elements: Wood, fire, earth, metal, and water....

About The Year of the Ox 2021
Those born in a year of the Ox are considered patient, orderly, kind, diligent, virtuous, and truehearted. Years of the ox include … 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021...
About The Year of the Ox 2021
Those born in a year of the Ox are considered patient, orderly, kind, diligent, virtuous, and truehearted. Years of the ox include … 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021...

LIULI Celebrates Lunar New Year with South Coas...
LIULI is pleased to share that, for the fifth consecutive year, we’ve been working with South Coast Plaza to celebrate Lunar New Year. In 2021, LIULI exclusively designed Year of...
LIULI Celebrates Lunar New Year with South Coas...
LIULI is pleased to share that, for the fifth consecutive year, we’ve been working with South Coast Plaza to celebrate Lunar New Year. In 2021, LIULI exclusively designed Year of...
Committing to Beautiful & Healthy Oceans
LIULI x Oceana 2019 Oceana’s annual Sea Change summer party on the 7th of September was celebrated brilliantly, populated with beautiful people and art. LIULI donated a symbolic crystal piece...
Committing to Beautiful & Healthy Oceans
LIULI x Oceana 2019 Oceana’s annual Sea Change summer party on the 7th of September was celebrated brilliantly, populated with beautiful people and art. LIULI donated a symbolic crystal piece...

A Thread of Light: Colin Reid and Three Generat...
Exhibition Grand Opening in LIULI Museum in Taipei For thirty-three years, LIULI has maintained the importance of introducing global perspective of glass art to Asia. We have done so through...
A Thread of Light: Colin Reid and Three Generat...
Exhibition Grand Opening in LIULI Museum in Taipei For thirty-three years, LIULI has maintained the importance of introducing global perspective of glass art to Asia. We have done so through...