Design Concept: Collective Heart showcases two chihu, which are hornless dragons, gracefully moving in perfect unison. These creatures are one of the nine sons of the dragon and are revered in Chinese mythology as auspicious beings that can dispel evil. Their depiction in the sculpture represents might, strength, influence, and stateliness, which were highly valued traits in ancient Chinese culture. The design of Collective Heart highlights the dynamic interplay between the two chihu, where they move in harmony with each other. This interaction symbolizes beauty and auspiciousness, making it an ideal gift for corporate gifting or business partners. The chihu's representation in the sculpture emphasizes the importance of symbiotic relationships. The two chihu in Collective Heart are crafted with precision, forming a graceful "s" shape that showcases their animated and dynamic nature. As they embark on their shared path, the larger chihu advances across the amber sphere, creating a stunning visual effect reminiscent of the setting sun. Their perfect symmetry and harmony radiate the beauty of unity and passion, making it a remarkable work of art that symbolizes the enduring influence of Chinese mythology on contemporary design. 設計概念說明: 《齊心定寰宇》,是兩隻互動的大小的螭虎。螭虎,乃「龍生九子」之一,也稱「夔龍」,是傳說中的瑞獸,代表祥瑞,有鎮惡之意。漢人崇尚螭虎,在班固《封燕然山銘》有“鷹揚之校,螭虎之士”的句子。由此可知,螭虎在中華民族的古老文化中代表神武、力量、權勢、王者風範。大小螭虎回首的造型呈S型盤旋,身體以寫實手法凝鍊如騰躍姿態,飛揚如舞,極富動感。對稱的構圖,圍繞成一圓一心,呈巧妙的平衡和諧之道。作品顏色為琥珀色,是旭日的顏色,色彩由大螭虎緩緩透進球體,層層遞進,體現一種和諧而又飽含熱情能量的美麗。 |