Design Concept: Set of 4 shot glasses. Each glass features a different sculpted seasonal motif: violet plum blossoms for winter, chrysanthemums for autumn, bamboo for summer, and delicate orchids for spring. In “A Drink to Virtue,” the seasons are celebrated in the ritual of drinking. All glassware is meticulously crafted from Liuli. Each delicate glass measures 7 cm X 5.1 cm and is ideal for use with baijiu, soju, sake and other similar alcohols. A drink and a laugh, a sip, a taste, embracing elegance and an understated intoxication. Mixed Color: The cup and base will be different colors. Same Color: The cup and base will be the same color. 「四季君子飲」的杯壁上刻畫花朵的生動氣蘊;一個手裡有情感的酒器。造型工整,立意古典,擁有琉璃的澄澈特質與精緻手工,杯身滿幅的浮雕紋飾,一葉一花均由工藝師細心雕刻,造型去繁為簡,描摹了主題本身最明晰的特質。清晰硬朗的竹節線條,直立向上,中空有節的竹君子形象;竹節的外廓特徵鮮明,幹練的筆觸展示了作品的精神。竹葉的雕刻細膩,滿鋪的手法,帶來安心感;與外形的簡練形成對比,清冷的竹,也有積極熱情的一面。梅君子在寒冬一枝獨秀,香氣若隱若現,給人不卑不亢的感受。杯身上梅花的雕塑手法較為柔和,圓形的花瓣帶來一點可愛的感覺。圓潤的花瓣雕塑,略帶線條的杯身。表現菊君子柔美不失堅毅,堅守人格,淡泊明志的高尚節操。滿鋪的菊花浮雕又點出了金秋菊開,熱鬧積極的一面。春蘭象徵高潔、清雅,與世無爭,是孔子歌詠對象,最能寄託中國傳統文化中對“德者”的理想,被譽為花中君子。 |