Design Concept: Vermillion Bird represents the element fire, color vermilion red, the southern direction, and summer. Vermillion Bird is said to bring prosperity, progeny, and peace. Vermilion red is also a celebratory color in traditional Asian culture for weddings and new business opening. Like the blazing sun, distant yet near, forever shining, representing our deepest wishes. 朱雀, 五行屬火, 代表南方的神獸,代表的顏色是紅色,代表的季節是夏季。丹鳳朝陽,喻為高而志遠,也可以比喻高才逢良時。見到牠大吉大利、地方安寧、子孫盛昌,而朱既是朱紅色、方位對應南方,代表喜慶吉利。這件作品設計完整的把丹鳳朝陽的寓意具體形象化, 繁及簡之間在雕塑裡的平衡非常巧妙的表逹。 |