Design Concept: A school of nine carp swim upwards, determined to reach their destination. They strike various poses as they swim together in unison, their voices united in a single courageous tune. No wave can break their bond, and their hearts beat as one. According to Chinese legend, the carp that leaps over the Dragon's Gate transforms into a dragon, a powerful symbol of achievement and success. This moment has been celebrated in countless poems and is revered for its significance. These lively carp are always on the move, navigating rivers with courage and determination. In school, they overcome obstacles together, filled with joy and teamwork. The carp's strength and unity shine through in their synchronized movements, symbolizing inspiration for us all. 設計概念說明: 九條鯉魚的群像塑造向上,姿態各異,但朝著同一個方向,共譜生命的英雄曲。鯉魚奔騰活躍,力爭上游,在江海中激流勇進。與夥伴同行,即使路有荊棘,也昂揚向上,歡歌笑語。中國古代傳說只要鯉魚能夠跳過龍門 ,就會變化成為真龍。鯉魚象徵著勤勞、善良、堅貞、吉祥,鯉魚積極奮鬥的形象總會給人以力量,團隊共向一心更需要活力去迎接未來。 |