Design Description: Rendered in LIULI crystal, leaves and fish become stars of the show, complementing each other. Lotus leaves symbolize harmony and purity, goldfish means abundance and good luck. Two fish are presented in negative carving, whereas the polished surface on lotus leaves is used to show their movement and expression in the water. 作品中的金魚兩兩相對,荷葉在傳統文化意象裡,常有“和美”的和諧之意。透過琉璃材質的透明表現,荷葉和金魚成為了一個舞臺上的瞬間定格,既有前景的演員,又有襯托的舞美場景。金魚用陰刻呈現,但用荷葉的拋光面展現魚優游水中的姿態。 |