Design Concept: The sound of blessings - hear the flowers bloom. Laughter, song, blessings, greetings. Hollyhock blooms in June, coinciding with the barley harvest, conveying the joy of a bountiful crop. A specific sound, a flower, blessings in different forms weave together like a floral crown. There are so many beautiful sounds to look forward to, so many beautiful sounds that heal the soul. This flower is for you - may every sound that reaches your ears be the celebratory song of a fruitful harvest. Fill your day with joy and happiness - and pass that feeling on to others. Like a childhood rhyme, like weaving a floral crown, pass the time carefree without worry. 設計概念說明: 幸福的聲響,聽見花開,歡笑、歌聲、祝福、問候,人與人之間的交流,帶來情感的傳遞。一種聲音,一朵花,許多的幸福,讓花朵串聯,總有那麼多美好的聲音,值得我們期待; 那麼多美好的聲音,治癒心靈。好事傳遞,蜀葵花生長在六月小麥成熟時,正是一年好時節,蜀葵花帶來著熱情與收穫的喜悅。摘下一朵花送給你,讓每一天聽到的聲音,都如六月麥田上歡唱的蜀葵花,開心與歡樂傳遞著生活的美滿,如同小時候唱著歌謠、頭戴蜀葵花般無憂無慮。 |