Design Concept: In this piece, two carp lock eyes, their bodies intertwined in dynamic power, and their tails jointly form an infinity symbol. Captured in liuli, the artwork captures a moment of pure and unreserved power. Fish is a popular motif of abundance in Asian culture, and this symbol of united hearts, effort, and ambition speaks to a collective accomplishment and the starting point for a shared dream. 設計概念說明: 在這件作品中,兩條鯉魚對視,它們的身體在動態的力量中交織在一起,它們的尾巴共同構成一個無限的符號。這幅作品以琉璃為載體,捕捉了一個純粹的、毫無保留的力量的瞬間。在亞洲文化中,魚是一個流行的豐收圖案,這個像徵著團結的心、努力和雄心的圖案,說明了一個集體的成就和共同夢想的起點。 |