Design Concept:Bhaisajyaguru, commonly referred to as Medicine Buddha, presides over the pure land Vaiduryanirbhasa (Lapis Lazuli Radiance), located in the east. In accordance with the description of Medicine Buddha’s dharma-body found in the scriptures, this image is cast in azure blue, the color of the sky, representing an ever-present guiding light. Amongst the twelve vows Medicine Buddha made while still a bodhisattva, the second begins, “I vow that in a future life, upon attaining enlightenment, my body will be like lapis lazuli, bright and limpid inside and out.” This vow has been Loretta H. Yang’s guiding inspiration in producing glass sculpture over several decades. Sitting in meditation posture on a jeweled lotus throne, Medicine Buddha is depicted with all the distinguishing characteristics of a buddha, including a benevolent countenance, a solemn demeanor, elongated earlobes, and the traditional monastic robe; he is backed by a nimbus decorated with an auspicious cloud motif. This piece consists of three parts: the figure, the nimbus, and the base. The flames on the rim of the nimbus represent the illuminating wisdom of enlightenment, and its circular shape symbolizes equality, harmony, and perfection. At the upper center portion of the nimbus is an image of Sakyamuni Buddha. On either side of the nimbus are six celestial buddhas. Medicine Buddha is typically depicted seated, holding in his left hand either a pagoda or a medicine bowl, while making a gesture (mudra) with his right hand, including the gesture of fearlessness, the wish-granting gesture, and the meditation gesture. On the palms of his hands are the “wheel of the Dharma,” the traditional symbol of Buddhism. As is customary for Buddhist statuary, the fingers and toes are joined together, like the webbed feet of a duck, symbolizing the consummation of spiritual endeavor. The base is decorated with auspicious motifs; it features scenes from edifying stories from the Buddhist scriptures, as well as depictions of the 12 guardian deities who protect the Medicine Buddha Sutra day and night. This image of Medicine Buddha is modeled on the one found at the Yakushi Temple in Nara, Japan. 設計概念說明: 藥師佛在過去行菩薩道時,曾發十二大願,願為眾生解除疾苦,因此最後成佛,入住“凈琉璃”世界(國土莊嚴如極樂國)。而他的第二大願:“願我來世,得菩提時,身如琉璃,內外明澈”,也是楊惠姍做琉璃近40年秉持的信念,楊惠姍希望通過琉璃,把藥師佛為人間解除疾苦的善願帶給人間,常駐人間。藥師琉璃光如來面相慈善,儀態莊嚴,安坐於蓮花寶座上。藥師佛,全身青藍色,雙耳垂肩,身著通肩式袈裟,雙足跏趺於蓮花寶座中央,背光處祥雲遍照。 此作品結構上分為三部份,主尊、背光、底座。以藥師琉璃光如來為主尊,背光正中為釋迦摩尼佛,其余六尊分別是善名稱吉祥王如來、寶月智嚴光音自在王如來、金色寶光妙行成就如來、無憂最勝吉祥如來、法海雷音如來、法海勝慧遊戲神通如來。藍藥師琉璃光如來,背光上飾有背光上飾有祥雲紋,取淵源共生,吉祥如意之意。背光代表佛的精神智慧與大覺悟的境界。火焰背光象征佛法無邊及光明之意。圓形背光象征平等、圓融圓滿,也是文化及藝術表現。 藥師佛多見坐相,一般左手持藥缽或寶塔,右手施無畏印或與願印或三界印,或結定印。亦有左手執持藥器(又作無價珠),右手結三界印,身藍琉璃寶色,右手持藥珂子連枝帶葉,左手定印托缽,缽中蓄滿甘露。藍藥師琉璃光如來佛掌中亦刻有法輪,能摧破眾生之惡,濟度一切眾生。藥師佛手之手足於各指間有網縵,纖緯交互相連,如鵝鴨之掌,稱為手足指縵網相,形成完整的密網,代表無漏失圓滿修持。 藥師琉璃光如來蓮花座上除吉祥紋飾外,也有佛經上的警喻及龍天護法諸善神的圖騰。蓮花座四周雕刻有藥師十二神將,十二神將是指守護頌持《藥師經》者之12為護法神。藥師十二神將應於藥師佛本尊的十二大願,保護晝夜的十二個時辰。此尊藥師佛的塑像臨摹自日本奈良藥師寺的藥師佛。 |