Design Concept: Depart from the standard use of bold colors. Instead, they add subtle and deep shades of blue onto a crystal canvas of frost, drawing out the spirit of the flower beyond its appearance. The bloom of the butterfly orchid become elegant statements of both beauty and personality. 蝴蝶蘭音近似「福疊來」,表示幸福逐漸到來的意思。花瓶中空的內裡,象徵著把心打開,讓日常生活中的小小幸福飛進來,飛進心裡。在生活中看見一朵花開,生活週遭便充滿著幸福的事物。清淡高雅的藍色定色,表達出蝴蝶蘭清淡高雅的氣質,也讓整個花瓶的氣質出眾,獨具一格。中國繪畫的留白風格。花瓶瓶身全白透明的設計,像是中國繪畫裡獨有的留白風格,白色漸層的變化,瓶身白色琉紋,也呈現出近似水墨暈染的效果。水墨的暈染,像是水的漣漪,乾淨、清澈、輕盈中帶點淡雅的韻味。 |