The Collection: The Majestic Age of Ruyi Design Concept: This elegant 3-inlay ruyi combines the classic bamboo design with a flower motif. A delicately wrought camellia flower blooms from the head, its layered petals surrounding a crimson LIULI bead. The bamboo and the camellia together signify infinite life and energy. Bamboo also symbolizes moral strength, solid yet humble character, the qualities of a virtuous gentlemen according to Chinese culture. In the feng shui tradition, this ruyi symbolizes good luck and good fortune. It promotes peace and well-being, while also serving as a symbol of authority, leadership and power. These qualities make it an honorable gift for royals. 設計概念說明: 這款優雅的三嵌式如意將經典的竹子設計與花卉圖案相結合。一朵精緻的山茶花從頭部綻放,其分層花瓣圍繞著一顆深紅色的琉璃珠。竹子和山茶花一起象徵著無限的生命和能量。竹子還像徵著道德的力量,堅實而謙遜的性格,根據中國文化,這是一個有德行的紳士的品質。在風水傳統中,這幅如意畫象徵著好運和財運。它能促進和平和福祉,同時也是權威、領導和權力的象徵。這些品質使它成為王室成員的尊貴禮物。 |
Ruyi of Virtue The true nature of the bamboo A person of great virtue |
君子如意 修竹本色 |