Design Concept: The tradition of an ornamented drinking vessel comes to life with this highly embellished artwork of a crystal chalice flanked by elephants. Titled 'Full of Prosperity and Honor,' the glasswork features a complete balance of design in its symmetry and the use of contrasting textures: the rounded base is decorated with rich floral reliefs, while it slopes gently upwards in a smooth polish, providing a soft background for the central pieces that emerge from the artwork. The chalice draws inspiration from the age-old tradition of drinking, and offers a metaphorical toast to prosperity and honor, solidifying the sentiment in an act of ritual and respect. 設計概念說明: 這款大象簇擁的水晶杯的高度裝飾藝術品,使飲酒器皿的傳統變得生動起來。題為 "富貴樽"的琉璃作品在其對稱性和對比性紋理的使用上實現了設計的完全平衡:圓形的底座上裝飾著豐富的花卉浮雕,而它在光滑的拋光下緩緩向上傾斜,為藝術品中出現的中央作品提供了一個柔和的背景。聖杯從古老的飲酒傳統中汲取靈感,為繁榮和榮譽提供了隱喻性的祝酒詞,在儀式和尊重的行為中鞏固了這種情感。 |
* Note: As the art pieces are individually hand-made, the color and dimensions will vary slightly. |