Design Concept: LIULI Crystal Art's "Tomorrow is Mine" sculpture humbly homages to the agrarian lifestyle. The seemingly simple design of rooted daikon pays tribute to the ripening of harvests. The sculpture features intricate leaf carvings and a natural appearance that contrasts sharply with the clear negative relief of the root below. The piece demonstrates the mastery of both pate de verre glass casting techniques. 設計概念說明: LIULI水晶藝術的 "明朝看我 "雕塑謙遜地向農業生活方式致敬。看似簡單的紮根蘿蔔的設計,是對收穫的成熟的致敬。雕塑的特點是複雜的葉子雕刻和自然的外觀,與下面根部清晰的負面浮雕形成鮮明的對比。這件作品展示了兩種琉璃鑄造技術的高超技藝。 |