Design Concept
This glass art sculpture depicts a loving mother elephant carrying her baby, titled ""A Push Forward the Fortune."" Handcrafted with artisan techniques, this heartwarming artwork symbolizes maternal love, encouragement, and the promise of a brighter tomorrow. The crystal glass piece beautifully represents the importance of family care and hope for the future. It makes the perfect gift for families or as a baby shower present.
這件琉璃藝術雕塑描繪了一隻慈愛的母像抱著她的孩子,標題是 ""幸福推手""。用工匠技術手工製作,這個溫暖的藝術品象徵著母愛、鼓勵和對更美好的明天的承諾。這幅水晶琉璃作品精美地代表了家庭關懷的重要性和對未來的希望。它是送給家庭或作為嬰兒禮物的完美禮物。
A Push Forward the Fortune My step; |
幸福推手 我的每一步; |