Design Concept: A crystal glass flower figurine symbolizing spring awakening, nobility, and elegance. The orchid, in Chinese culture, is the artistic paradigm of the spring season. The flower ushers in spring with a gentle fragrance, welcoming it with both grace and virtue. This glass figurine encompasses both abstract and naturalistic elements to invoke the living orchid. The glass art piece here, in essence, captures the orchid’s noble elegance, coming to life in a spring dance to painting the season in vivid color. 概念設計說明: 春蘭象徵高潔、清雅,與世無爭被譽為花中君子。藝術家楊惠姍的春蘭,典雅,卻更具有生命的昂揚意志。作品中,花的高高在上,象徵“首春則發”的特質,春風吹過, |