Design Concept: Bowl and sphere design inspired by the loquat blossom and the golden yuanbao, symbolizing abundance, longevity and prosperity. This piece also reflects the tradition of nurturing loquat branches during the season of harvest, bringing with it associations of wealth, power, and success. The central sphere can be easily rotated, symbolizing the flow of fortune. 元寶中,枇杷串陰刻,首尾呼應,形成環繞。從外部觀賞,枝葉經脈與成簇的果實清晰浮顯,營造內外虛實的品賞體驗。因枇杷果實金黃圓潤,古人稱它為「金丸」。在枇杷成熟的季節,人們會將枇杷折枝涵養在家中,寓意財源滾滾,升官發財。在宋代律詩中,有「金丸方磊落,瓊液正包含」,讚揚枇杷內富才華,胸懷坦蕩。作品亦是「轉運珠」與「聚寶盆」的結合:中部的球體可自由拿取,象徵轉八方財運,源源不斷;聚寶盆裡裝滿「金丸」,體現豐收富足、生生不息。 |