Design Concept: Guan Yin is the bodhisattva of compassion and mercy. She is venerated in Mahayana Buddhism, Vajrayana Buddhism (where she is known as Avalokitesvara), and sometimes Theravada Buddhism. She is usually shown as female but sometimes shown as male. Her full name is Guanshiyin which means "Observing the Sounds (or cries) of the World." 設計概念說明: 觀音菩薩是慈悲和憐憫的菩薩。她在大乘佛教、金剛乘佛教(在那裡她被稱為觀世音菩薩),有時也在小乘佛教中受到崇敬。她通常被描繪成女性,但有時也被顯示為男性。她的全名是觀世音菩薩,意思是 "觀察世界的聲音(或哭聲)"。 |