Design Description: The hummingbird rides an azure wave. Mid-flight with outstretched wings, it flies toward the future with determination and courage. As the hummingbird is a pollinator, the design features the bird’s long beak as a symbol of its mission. In this vast world of beauty, no matter large or small, every creature has its place. This is a perfect gift for encouragement and appreciation. 設計概念說明: 蜂鳥,劈波斬浪而行,淩空展翅,突破這個未知而向陽飛行,蜂鳥的任務是傳播花粉,所以在琉璃的配色上,特別突出蜂尖長的嘴,意象上是突出天生使命,讓我們看到勃勃生機裡的積極面向。在琉璃的光影色彩裡,因為厚薄變化,也能在琥珀裡找到琉璃的光影變化,就像是自然界一樣,光線裡的豐富層次,長喙象徵與天地融為一體的決心及速度。浩瀚裡,謙卑的面對生命,等待裡,積蓄能量。每一次奮力躍出,是因為更高遠的視線,繼續前行。 |