The Collection: Buddha Sculptures & Figurines | Light Exists Because of Love |
Design Description:The dharma rain of truth, a compassionate heart. This design is inspired by one of 33 manifestations of Guanyin - Sashui Guanyin (Guanyin of Pure Water). In Guanyin’s right hand a vase of pure water that is sprinkled upon the world. Sashui Guanyin is represented in the Guanshiyin Pusa Pumen Pin, a chapter from the Lotus Sutra that describes alleviating calamity and adversity among Guanyin’s abilities. Guanyin wears a rounded bun, a white head scarf and a tuft of white hair between the brows (the sign of a great person). Wearing a white robe and a strand of precious yingluo at the breast, Guanyin holds a vase in one hand, the other hand at rest, a picture of serene dignity. Flowing dress, fluid lines, a single foot comes out of the robe to alight upon a base of auspicious clouds to become one. The base is minimally polished to create motion between light and shadow as if the clouds themselves are in motion.Guanyin’s sleeve moves slightly, giving motion to the sculpture as a whole. The vase of pure water faces down as if Guanyin is sprinkling compassion upon the mortal world. 設計概念說明: 法雨慈心的靈感來自於觀音的33種表現形式之一--薩水觀音(淨水觀音)。在觀音的右手中,有一個裝著純淨水的花瓶,灑向世界。薩水觀音在《觀世音菩薩普門品》中得到體現,《妙法蓮華經》中的一章描述了觀音的能力中減輕災禍和逆境。 |