Design Concept: Water-moon Guanyin, one of the thirty-three manifestations of the bodhisattva Guanyin (Avalokitesvara), exudes a sense of perfect peace and inner freedom. Adorned with a necklace of precious stones, Guanyin wears a crown holding an image of the buddha Amitabha, of whom she is an emanation, serving as a constant reminder of her mission in the world. Sitting leisurely on a wave-live rock, her right arm rests on her right knee, as is customary for this traditional image. Her stole gracefully flows down her right arm and merges with the base. In the Buddhist scriptures the moon reflected in the water is used to represent the insubstantiality of what appears to be substantial, indicating that everything in the world is formed by the combination of causes and conditions—the doctrine of emptiness. Having thoroughly realized the true nature of reality, Guanyin uses her boundless wisdom and compassion to bring all sentient beings to the same realization, so as to let go of all attachment and enjoy perfect peace. The gently flowing contours of the glossy base invoke the image of a placid body of water. The gradually thinner layers of glass forming the concave section of the base reflect light of various qualities, producing a captivating aesthetic effect. An ingenious combination of design and workmanship, this unique three-dimensional Water-moon Guanyin takes glass sculpture to new heights. 設計概念說明: 水月觀音,是生命自在的嚮往,觀音菩薩三十三法相之一。此佛像作品中,菩薩身佩瓔珞,髪髻高束,頭飾上戴有著小尊的阿彌陀佛,這也是以代表觀音菩薩不忘師恩,念念提醒自己來娑婆世界的目的。菩薩盤坐於水波紋的岩石上,右腿支起,右臂放在右膝上,一般而言,這是形容水月觀音時,比較常見的坐姿。水月在佛經中有深遠的寓意,水中之月,非月的實體,代表有影無實,意指世間萬物都是由因緣和合而成,本質皆屬虛空,菩薩以覺者之身,且充滿著智慧和慈愛之心,希望世間有情眾生也都能了解宇宙萬物的本質,放下執著,以自在之心,如意安然。底座的幾何橢圓形,圓潤光滑,線條流暢,如平靜水面。而透過凹圓的切割,逐層變薄的弧度,在不同角度映襯不同的光,展現迷離而清透的效果,是令人沉醉的現代雕塑美學。琉璃材質的運用,使得水月觀音中“水”的意象,不再是一個平面,由於光線和設計的巧妙結合,得以360°全方位的呈現,是水月觀音造像的突破。 |