Design Concept: The design shows a pair of qilin with heads raised, looking forward with sights set afar. Mouths open, breathing in and out auspicious air, behind their divine forms is geniality. Qiiln is covered with hulu gourd motif. With hulu adorning their backs, the qilin carry with them generational happiness and wealth. As a whole, the design conveys an inextinguishable spirit and blessings of a golden age. 設計概念說明: 一對麒麟昂首向前,目光高遠,張口吐納祥瑞,神威下是滿滿的親和力;鬃毛由卷圓到迎風揚起,尾巴卷翹,為環境注入活躍氛圍,帶來生氣;葫蘆,諧音「福祿」,象徵財富、事業。麒麟身上的圖騰為葫蘆,葫蘆藤不斷攀爬向陽生長,生命力強大,象徵興旺發達,馱來「萬代福祿」。整體共同傳達著生生不息,盛世康寧的美好祝福。 |