Design Concept: Two birds, a blooming flower and an infinity motif symbolize harmony and happiness in luminous crystal. Ruyi, meaning everything goes as you wish. The double circles also form a horizontal "8" character, which is a symbol of infinity. Magnolia is fragrant and elegant, and the flowers bloom like you want, which symbolizes peace, happiness, good luck, and contains all the beauty in the world. 花開常如意,以花、雙鳥、如意三者為元素進行創作。如意,寓意事事如意,鏤空設計融入風水中聚氣的概念,氣韻流轉,花開富貴,鳥語花香。作品主體為雙圓的造型,互動相通,和諧圓融。圓形包容一切,亦是中國人的處世之道。雙圓也構成橫向的“8”字,是無窮大的象徵。氣在此間積聚,循環往復。玉蘭清香淡雅,花開如意,象徵著平安,幸福,好運,蘊藏著世間一切的美好。 |