The Collection: The Nine Ding of Profound Virtue Design Concept: The highest virtue is to be gentle and strong, achieving the most celebrated actions through sturdiness and softness. This concept is elegantly expressed in the visually evocative piece "The Nine Ding of Profound Virtue," which depicts the many forms of the water element, from crashing waves to still waters. The artwork reflects the philosophy of balancing mildness and firmness, softness and hardness, to create harmony between contrasting dispositions. The Chinese glasswork serves as a reminder to find flexibility and rigidity in the balance of life, reflecting its passionate nature. 設計理念: 最高的美德是溫柔和堅強,通過堅固和柔軟實現最值得稱道的行動。這一概念在視覺上令人回味的作品《厚德九鼎》中得到了優雅的表達,它描繪了水元素的多種形式,從洶湧的波濤到靜止的水面。該作品反映了平衡溫和與堅定、柔軟與堅硬的哲學,在對比鮮明的處置之間創造和諧。中國的琉璃製品提醒人們在生活的平衡中找到靈活性和剛性,反映了它的熱情。 |