Design Concept: Introducing "Come Fortune," a charming crystal glass figure inspired by the witty and graceful mouse (or rat) zodiac, which holds the honor of being the first sign in the Chinese astrology calendar. Infused with enchanting traditional Chinese paper-cutting artwork patterns, this delightful piece seems to dance and play with light on any surface it graces. Perfect for birthdays or honoring someone's birth year, this exquisite, handcrafted artwork carries a heartfelt message as sincere and transparent as the glass it's molded from. Celebrate your loved one's vitality and charm with this delightful zodiac-inspired treasure. 來寶,長著一副美食家的身材,圓滾滾、胖乎乎,是名副其實的大胃王。小老鼠露出兩個大大的門牙,托著鼓鼓的腮幫子,兩眼放光地看著前方,仿佛深情凝視一堆美食。小老鼠機靈、可愛,長著一對大耳朵,誇張的耳朵造型,突出了它耳聽八方的本領,總能捕捉第一手消息。小老鼠的兩隻耳朵分別飾有寶相花,寓意富貴吉祥。來寶,取招財進寶之意。 |