Design Concept: This is the exclusive design for Harry Winston in the Year of the Dog. The ultimate host welcoming and seeing off guests, the dog is the symbol of a loyal protector, kind and joyous. Ying yang, bagua and fengshui are key components in the traditional Eastern practice of divination and geomancy. The bagua is comprised of eight trigrams used to interpret the fundamental principles of life. It is the starting point, it is the absolute, it is inclusive, it is all-mighty. Here we take the above definitions and apply them to a fengshui dish: at the center a grinning dog spreading boundless blessings by extending the divine power of protection to the farthest reaches of our land. Chow Chow dog is like a lion, he has a lion's noble, but at the same time there are panda's witty, teddy bear's appeal, the cat's elegance and independence as well as the dog's loyalty and enthusiasm. The deep almond eyes of the Chow Chow dog are showing the mysterious, oriental mystery, calm and thoughtful. 憨態可掬的松獅犬,因其頭部酷似雄獅而得其名,它原產於中國,已有兩千多年的歷史,是今存最古老的犬種之一。松獅犬曾被義大利旅行家馬可·波羅熱情記載,十八世紀又被英國人帶到歐洲,受到維多利亞女王和歐洲皇室的鍾愛。松獅犬形貌高貴,性格忠誠、獨立,且聰慧絕佳,長久以來被委以守衛、狩獵、護佑主人等重任,被認為是鎮守門庭的石獅造像之原形。這件琥珀色的琉璃藝術傑作,是對這一吉祥瑞犬的生動重現。靈犬相伴,如您所鍾愛的海瑞溫斯頓珠寶與腕表傑作一樣恒久相隨,富貴吉祥!四時恒春 纏枝花卉琉璃盤,琉璃盤運用中國傳統的纏枝紋,將繽紛的四季花卉聯結成圓滿的祝福,恒久護佑您與家人康樂安泰,福壽綿長。 |