Design Concept
The pea plant, being often overlooked in their abundance, comes to life here with luminous colors in a glasswork rendition of the vegetable. “Beauty Within” harbors pearls. As a part of the Enrich collection paying homage to the cultural roots of loving one’s land and earth, the art piece invokes a sense of appreciation for the little pieces of life that can be found within. Here, one is reminded that what is often simple and unnoticeable may hold the riches that gives one life.
- Detachable colored pearls.
- 彎曲如扁舟,內部珠璣飽滿,可觸動。以活潑的身形,趣味的豆子,回應春暖大地,生命回歸,同時也呼喚、孕育一個更健康的心靈狀態。
- 作品以鏤空的方式,趣味地透視出內部豌豆。一粒粒豆子恰似積蓄的蓬勃之力,豐富的顏色,神采奕奕。整體豆莢造型恰似扁舟,盛滿珠璣與樂趣。
- 作品內部珠子,以可撥動的設計表達一種動態的生命活力。同時回應日常生活的旨趣,在豌豆中看到平淡卻長久的生命情趣,撥動起,便是自在和歡喜。
- 大地孕育的豆莢,恰似大地能容,胸中有生意。一粒粒珠璣藏著踏實,蓄著力量,納著清福,都將是心靈的無限歡愉。一個胸懷錦繡珠璣的人,任何平淡都能見生命的美麗旨趣。
Beauty Within Prized pearls lie within |
胸懷錦繡 |